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Multi-Platform Stock Sync: The Ultimate Inventory Solution for E-commerce Entrepreneurs

MPSS Core Plugin

Cron job Management

MPSS utilizes WordPress cron jobs to automate the stock synchronization process. This section explains how MPSS manages these cron jobs and how you can configure them.

How MPSS Cron Jobs Work

  1. Registration: MPSS registers its cron jobs with WordPress during plugin activation.
  2. Scheduling: Jobs are scheduled based on user-defined intervals.
  3. Execution: WordPress triggers the jobs at the scheduled times.
  4. Action: MPSS performs the designated tasks when the cron job runs.


MPSS cron job runs every 5 minutes. However, when it runs, it checks the user's customized settings (cron job interval). If it is not the correct time to run, then the cron job closes without triggering any action or performing any operation.

Maintaining consistency

Although the cron job is scheduled to run every 5 minutes, an HTTP request must be made to the server to trigger it. This is how WordPress triggers cron jobs. Therefore, if you want to ensure that the cron job works without needing a website visit, you can schedule a cron job in your web server's admin panel that triggers the wp-cron.php file from WordPress.

The command that triggers wp-cron.php would be something similar to:

The syntax of timing to run every 5 minutes is:

Manual Trigger

You can always use the WP-CLI for running cron jobs by their names. For MPSS, the command will be:

Stock Synchronization